Custom Knives - Jens Laage Nielsen - DK

Jens Laage Nielsen

Jens Laage Nielsen - Denmark   ***  R I P  ***
We have lost a good friend - may his memory live long after.

Welcome to a fantastic knifemaker Jens Laage Nielsen - Denmark.

Jens has been making knives the past 20 years.

He found the inspiration for the knives in the nature, where materials and shapes end up in the knives.

Most of his knives has a nordic trend, especially the sheath and the silverwork.

JLN used knifeblades from many fine blademakers in scandinavia, mostly in Stainless Steel such as - RWL34 - 13C27 and 12C27, but also laminated forged blades and Damascus steel.

All the work are handmade. .....His work are stamped in the sheath with JLN.

Jens has received several awards for his fine work.

Click and see the fine work.... Enjoy !!

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